Monday, November 1, 2010

Seattle Genetics and Isis

I was just talking to a former colleague about Seattle Genetics. He thought that the technology is sound. Avastin is having a hard time finding multiple therapeutic indicators for the antibody to work. Some of the clinical trials have failed for non approved disease indications. Other biotech tech firms are having trouble finding success without major side effects. What Seattle Genetics has is a proprietary method of linking lethal molecules to targeted antibodies thus leading to targeted therapeutics. I think this could be a winner and may have some meaningful results in the short-term.

Isis stock has been in the doldrums for a while, hovering at less than $10 a share for a long period. I have always been intrigued by the technology, the first company to successfully use antisense as a therapeutic. Gene therapy has been stalled for years because of the lack of a safe delivery vector. Isis is poised to have real success the identification of microRNA's and siRNA's and by pass the need for human expression vectors. Isis must still overcome the short half life of RNA's in the body but I think the company is on the road to success