Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Healthcare Reform

Now that the 2010 Health care reform has pass, I hope that the lies that the opponents have been spreading will stop. I listened to a panel discussion on NPR and people still believe that death committees will be created to ration services. One panelist says he down loaded the bill to his Kindle and found that the cost would drive him out of business although he did not mention which part of would do that. Another panelist, mentioned that she like the bill except for the part that took away her current benefits. I think the public is being scared into believing these myths and find faults where none exists.

Has this country has lost its way where we only care about things that benefit us and we do not care for the greater good? Are we unwilling to pay for the goods and services that our government provides for us? Is our political landscape a result of "the me generation" maturing into old age? I am deeply saddened that people have come to view compromise as a weakness and not a virtue.

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